Argo Holiday Event: "Caregiving through the Holidays"
For some family caregivers, the holidays can be a joyful time when spirits are lighter. It feels good to care for loved ones and enjoy time together, celebrating with family traditions. But for many the holidays also bring stress— an already busy caregiver finds there’s, even more, to do during the holidays. Something’s gotta give! It’s OK to give yourself a bit of a break this year.
As caregivers, we give and give and give, and during the holidays we give even more. All that giving can leave you running on empty, with high-stress levels or even full-on burnout. Be aware of emotional ups and downs, fatigue, foggy thinking, inability to sit still or the opposite — feeling frozen and unable to get anything done.
Find ways to fill your tank. Get plenty of sleep. Walk with loved ones in a decorated shopping mall, dance to holiday music, stretch or do jumping jacks while watching holiday movies. Enjoy holiday goodies, but be aware that too many sugary treats can make your energy crash later.
Get outside for some mood-elevating vitamin D from sunlight. Relax with some holiday-scented aromatherapy to soothe and boost your mood. Do you want to learn more about how to manage stress?
We invite you to our Holiday Event on December 17. Join us for a fun and educational afternoon with a seminar about: "Caregiving through the Holidays":
For many caregivers, the holiday season gives rise to stress, frustration, and anger, instead of peace and joy. Expecting a picture-perfect holiday often leaves us feeling disappointed and guilty. We want to share our tips and help each one of you to enjoy the Season!⠀