Main differences between independent living and assisted living.
At Argo Senior Living you will find the love and caring you expect for yourself and for your aging loved ones.
Understanding Senior Living Options
Families often realize during the holiday season after spending more time with the family that it is time for a senior loved one to make a move. But we understand it is not an easy decision since there are so many emotions involved and also duo to the variety of senior care options available that can be confusing.
We have prepared this simple guide explaining some of the similarities and differences between an assisted living community and a nursing care center. But for more details please contact us!
Both types of senior housing communities focus on keeping the older adults who call them “home” safe, healthy and happy. And both provide support with what are referred to as the Activities of Daily Living (ADL). They include bathing, dressing, and personal care.
The biggest difference between these two types of senior housing centers revolve around medical services provided, most of the other services remain the same.
Daily Amenities and Services
Assisted living communities are structured around providing seniors with support when and where they need it. Most seniors live in an apartment in close proximity to other community members. There is often help available 24/7 with the simple push of a button, and seniors can get help with basic life tasks, including:
Shopping and meal preparation
Remembering medications
Bathing and grooming
Making and keeping doctor’s appointments
Independent living does not provide medical care or nursing support. The focus is instead on convenience and an active life. For instance, a senior might be able to order meals or eat at an on-campus cafe, but will be unlikely to get help making nutritional meals or remembering medication.
Medical and Supportive Care
Assisted living is a good alternative for people who are no longer able to live alone, but do not need intensive nursing care. Independent living preserves a senior’s independence and does not provide access to medical or nursing care.
Independent living can provide some peace of mind to people who no longer feel comfortable living alone. People with medical conditions that do not undermine the basic activities of daily living may thrive in this environment. But when people are no longer able to tend to their basic needs, make good decisions on their own or function without the help of loved ones, assisted living offers medical support.
Which is right for me?
When it comes to independent or assisted living, the main difference is that assisted living locations offer assistance and hands-on care, including medication administration, assistance with activities of daily living and medical management which is beneficial for those who may need more help than others. Make sure to consider the factors carefully and the benefits of each senior care option to find the one that best suits your loved one’s needs.
Age and health problems shouldn’t have to mean a decline in quality of life. At Argo we offer a wide range of senior living options to meet you or your loved ones needs.