Winter Health for Seniors
Drinking hot tea is a great old home remedy. Hot tea helps to thin mucus and ensure proper hydration of the body.
When the chilly season comes around, even in Florida without snow and major cold fronts we still have to focus on our defense against colds and viruses.
Luckily, there are plenty of things we can do in an attempt to prevent catching something this season. Here are our tips to stay healthy this cold season:
1- Flu Shots
This quick step may reduce your chance of the flu up to 60 percent.
It is a fact that other flu types kill many seniors yearly, so stay on the ball with vaccinations, including discussing pneumonia shots with a doctor.
We all know vaccine doesn’t protect against everything, but some protection is better than none!
2- Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds
While this may seem obvious, one of the best defenses against germs and viruses is keeping clean. Aim for 20 seconds of scrubbing under running water for a better chance at a germ-free season.
3- Stay Active
A recent study shows that exercise could reduce your chance of a cold by up to a third. Staying active is a proven immune booster and could help you avoid those dreaded sniffles.
4- Disinfect surfaces
Much like washing our hands, our living spaces can spread germs. This is where senior living services can come in handy, by assisting in those regular tasks that may keep areas cleaner.
5- Avoid High-Risk Areas
While living in a senior living community may mean living in closer quarters, you can still avoid highly populated public areas, like shopping centers or travel. And it goes without saying to avoid close contact with people who may already be sick.
6- Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth!
Here’s where old habits may defeat you. Concentrate on using a tissue when you must scratch your nose, etc. I always say, “Avoid the holes in your head.”
7- Stay Hydrated
Not only can water keep us away of illness, it’s an important part of our long term health as well.
Other than water, Spicy ginger tea, chamomile and other teas will help you stay hydrated and ease your throat during flu season. Here is our favorite list of teas, add a dash of cinnamon and a teaspoon of raw honey for the best natural protection against cold sickness:
As always, a healthy diet is recommended year round, but may be particularly helpful during cold season. Talk to your doctor or dietician about the best ways for you to get the nutrients you need to protect yourself against illnesses.