No coronavirus cases in our community. Here is our success story:

 We are excited to announce that Argo Senior Living had NO CASES OF COVID-19 and NOW OUR STAFF AND RESIDENTS ARE VACCINATED!

We have always been and will continue to be, a community deeply committed to the safety of our residents and staff. Through the COVID-19 pandemic, we have all experienced and coped with a range of emotions. Even though life looks different, we are emerging with a stronger team and a stronger culture that empowers us all to live better than ever. 

Like many of you, we are still very careful and this will not change. We remain prepared to navigate these unpredictable times for a better future. We have the right people in the right places, and the determination to be the best throughout this pandemic. 

We are working hard to provide exceptional senior living services and our commitment to living better than ever still stands. 

Here is our success story we want to share with you:

CONSTANT CLEANING & DISINFECTION: CLEANING EVERYWHERE BUT Special attention to high-touch surfaces, using disinfectants identified on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) list of registered products effective against COVID-19.

SCREENING & TESTING: In addition to screening residents and individuals prior to accessing the community, Argo Senior Living has been conducting enhanced, routine testing of staff to identify positive, asymptomatic individuals who would be restricted from working. we have a very rigorous screening process when they come to work. And it's almost an hour-to-hour detail on what you did the 12 hours or 14 hours that you weren't at work. Who did you see? Who were you with? We take their temperatures. Everybody's wearing masks, gowns, gloves when they have any contact with residents.

EDUCATION & COVID-19: Using tools provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other trusted health organizations, we have focused on the importance of educating each community’s team (residents, family members, and staff) about the importance of hand hygiene, recognizing symptoms of COVID-19, and other precautions that reduce risk including use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as masks, cloth face coverings, and gloves, and best practices when outside of the community.

no VISITATION allowed for a long time: In order to protect all, no visitation was permitted in our community. Family members were encouraged to communicate through phone, video, texts and we also had a great idea of implementing a “window visitation”. A family member would come through our garden and meet their loved-ones through the window. This was a successful initiative that brought many happy tears to our faces.

PROGRAMMING & DINING: We offered in-apartment dining as we phase in small group activities and dining that allows for social distancing, cleaning, and disinfection of areas/items between use and observing best hygiene practices.

KEEPING THE SPIRITS HIGH: Residents are encouraged to participate in small group activities while wearing masks.
We observed the best practices for proper NUTRITION as well as implemented safe social activities to keep our residents WELL AND HAPPY. We encouraged communication with family and friends through many creative tools such as videos, texts, letters, messages so everybody could be connected even though isolated.

We feel like we've really made a difference, and we reassure our community to protect and give our best to keep the best practices for overall wellness. We only have reasons to celebrate but that doesn’t stop us to be careful and saying a prayer for all those who were not fortunate as we were. Looking forward to better times!

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Love is in the air at Argo Senior Living!


Nutrition Tips for Older Adults