Elderly and Sun Exposure: Skin Protection for Senior Adults


A good guideline to follow is to ensure that seniors receive 5-10 minutes of sunlight 2-3 times a week. This is the amount that is needed to produce healthy levels of vitamin D. It's also low enough that the increased risk of skin cancer is typically minimal.

Does our sun exposure really matter? Even at older ages, sun protection behaviors can help prevent sunburn and skin cancer risk. Less than half of older adults protect their skin from the sun when outside for an hour or more on a warm, sunny day. This may raise their risk of getting skin cancer.

We’ve all heard that protecting skin from the sun will help prevent it from aging. But if you’re already older, is there any point to worrying about sun damage? Since July is UV Safety Month (not to mention a time when we’re all enjoying the early summer sun!), this is a great time to address the elderly and sun exposure.

People in their 60s may not be as concerned about keeping their skin looking young as are people in their 20s and 30s, but that doesn’t mean that older adults should stop wearing sunscreen and worrying about sun damage. In fact, a 2009 study showed that older skin is less able to protect itself from skin cancer. The study showed that in older adults, the skin had a diminished ability to attract a certain type of immune cells called T cells to damaged areas where repairs were needed. This means the skin didn’t heal as well, leaving the person more vulnerable to infections and also skin cancer.

Skin Protection for Elderly Adults

Since the skin becomes more delicate and vulnerable as we age, that means that it’s more important than ever for older adults to protect their skin from damage caused by the sun. Older adults need to take special precautions to limit their sun exposure as much as possible. Here are our top tips for keeping your skin safe.

Don’t Get a Tan

A tan is your skin’s signal that damage has been done (a sunburn, even more so). Older adults have already sustained decades of sun damage. Tans and sunburn increase your risk of skin cancer, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. So if you’ve already been burned a few times in your life–or worse, used to tan regularly when you were younger, take special care to stay out of the sun.

Seek Out Shade

Protecting yourself from the sun doesn’t mean you can never go outside. Use a sun shade or umbrella at the beach or pool, and stick to shady porches if you’re enjoying an afternoon outside at home or having an al fresco lunch.

Know When to Stay Inside

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the sun’s rays are strongest in North America between 10AM and 4PM. Take special care to stay inside or in a shaded area during these hours.

Make Sunscreen a Part of Your Daily Routine

Even a short walk to and from the car, or passing by sunny windows while indoors can expose your skin to dangerous UV rays. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using sunscreen of SPF 30 on any exposed skin every day, whether you’ll be inside or out.

Wear Protective Clothing

Loose, lightweight long pants and long sleeved shirts are ideal sun protection garb for older adults because they don’t have to be reapplied like sunscreen, and can offer better protection. Make sure they have a tight weave so sun can’t sneak through. Top them off with a wide-brimmed hat. If you plan to spend time outdoors, look for clothing specially designed to offer UV protection. Also look for UV-blocking sunglasses, window shades and car window tints.

Use Moisturizer

As skin ages, it becomes more prone to dryness, which can be made worse by sun damage. Keep skin moist with a lotion or cream to help protect it.

Though some people assume that older adults don’t need to worry about sun damage, it is extremely important for older adults to protect their delicate skin. For more information about skin cancer, visit the Skin Cancer Foundation.

The secret to avoiding aging caused by sun exposure is sun protection.  But at Argo Senior Living we know how the sun has benefits for senior adults. We take a serious approach in a responsible way. Our senior residents go outdoors often but not without protection. Studies have shown that increased sun exposure may help protect against certain degenerative brain disorders, including Alzheimers.

Contact us for more information about our senior living care.


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